#18 Make homemade chicken soup. I just made some the other night. I'm getting pretty good at it. Henry had 4 helpings!! Let me know if you want me to post my recipe. It's pretty easy.
#25 Paint a picture worth framing. I have done a few paintings already. While I haven't actually framed any of them, they are hanging up in my kids rooms and other kids rooms. People have actually paid me to paint pictures for them. Here are some of my favorites:
#42- take the kids to the Zoo. We went to Riverbanks zoo in Columbia on Tuesday. The kids had a great time. Zoe's favorite was feeding the giraffes and Henry loved the Snakes and Fish.
#93 Plant flowers in the spring. Did it!
Now drumroll for the big one! Those of you who are my Facebook friends already know this news. I got a tattoo!! #7 on the list. Actually, I technically got two tattoos! I went with my cousin Matt to watch him get a tattoo.We went to Shiny New Tattoo in Shelby, NC. My friend Tabitha has several tattoos and always goes there so they came highly recommended from her.
Matt urged me to go ahead and get one. I was hesitant to because I didn't want to be in pain this weekend. I have 4 photo shoots! He convinced me that it wasn't that painful. I figured I might as well do it since I was there anyway. Bo (or Larkus) did my tattoo. For those of you who have never had a tattoo and are curious about the pain factor, it was pretty painful while the needle was in my skin, but as soon as the needle came up the pain was gone. On the pain scale I would give it about a 5. The worst was when it was on my Achilles tendon ouch! I just kind of went to my happy place and tried not to focus on the pain too much. After it was done, it felt like I had rug burn or a sunburn on the back of my ankles.
So without further a do (whatever that means) here they are:
I love them. I think they are so cute. I think they look great when I wear my converse or high heels. I hardly ever wear high heels. I might need to start wearing them more often! Please no negative comments about my tattoos. They are permanent and there is nothing I can do about them. Negative comments will only hurt my feelings.
I HATE needles! I want a tat, but I couldnt handle the pain.Yours are so cute! It would be awesome if you were a ballerina that would be so cool!
I adore them Sarah - really beautiful. What color are they?
Thanks. They are black and grey!
Sarah, they are SUPER DOOPER CUTE!! :-)
Sarah your tats are so pretty and so YOU! I love them. I only wish....I had been there with you ;). The photos are great! You inspired me to update my 101 today. :)
I am glad to see that you are keeping up with your list !
You were brave to get the Tatoos !
and they are good ones.
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